We all know that as enjoyable as travelling can be- it can also seriously effect your system! You are normally indulging in a lot more tastier foods than usual (hello pastries for breakfast!), you are being exposed to a lot more germs ( subways, planes & taxis- oh my!) and are sometimes fighting jetlag! It can all take a toll and leave you feeling sluggish. That is why before I do any trip- I try to take the best care of my body and system so it feels in tip-top condition before the wheels leave the runway. Here are 3 things I make sure to do before my departure
# 1. Lay low and get some R & R

Travelling can be hectic so before you go so I personally love taking some “me” time where I take long baths and lather up my body with some favorite products. Basically I get up close and personal with all my Kai products and treat my hair and skin to their magical scents and ingredients. Since I am so obsessed with their stuff- I found the perfect travel size portions of all the products that also get brought with me on my trip! Perfect for before I go and also allows me to find some serenity in a hotel bathroom after an action packed sight seeing day! Double win.
# 2. Move that body

Before a long haul flight- I love to get in as much exercise as possible. It keeps me stress free when I’m trying to pack and remember a million things, it keeps my energy levels in tact and I can always feel my body appreciating the movement. It is also a great way to prepare your body for long periods of walking around a city or standing in long lines! I always find I am a bit more motivated when I have cute work out outfits too like this one from Forever 21. I know I’m not alone in this!
#3. Detoxt before the Retox

If there is one thing I know forsure it is that loading your system with all of the fruits and vegetables before going on a trip feels amazing! Not only do you feel lighter and have better energy for your trip- but you do not feel as guilty when you have that casual 2pm Gelato….for the third day in a row. While cleanses are not for everybody- I love detoxing my system with a cleanse. I am in love with every.single.juice from [re]Fresh Juice co . Their juices are much better than some of these bigger companies out there and do not undergo HPP aka they last for only 3 days because they are so fresh! The beet juice is life changing.
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