The best part of Christmas for me is not the day itself but it is the traditions that are played out throughout the entire season! Annual girls get together, putting together the tree at my mom’s place and a personal favourite over the last few years- The Toronto Christmas Market! Aaron and I started going when we first started dating and even though little Chloe is still quite young, we didn’t let this deter us from keeping the tradition going!
We bundled her up and cruised around in our Diono Classic Quantam stroller and it felt more special than all the years before. You may have saw my Instagram leading up to her birth where I tested out the stroller and got used to manoeuvring it around. Now that she is actually here, we felt like pros pulling it out of the car and into restaurants!
There are so many strollers on the market these days so why do I love this one in particular? Well- here is a few reasons:
1. It could handle the cobblestone at the market like a champ! Chloe did not flinch the entire time we were there as the ride was smooth for her…and even for us! We had no problem pushing over the uneven grounds. This made us happy as we have a trip to Europe planned in the summer and we all know that Europe=cobblestone central! It also has a pretty sturdy break peddle so we felt extra safe when we stopped to hang out at some of the booths. She wasn’t going anywhere!
2. It is so easy to put together!
Putting together baby stuff has taken us hours some days ( I’m looking at you crib!) but the stroller comes with such a user friendly manual that we got the hang of it within a half hour. The Quantum Classic system folds up nice and tight and even comes with a strap. When you are carrying the body of it into your car, it is easy! It almost feels like a trendy accessory!
3. It comes with all the bells and whistles!
The Diono Classic Quantam stroller has a large area at the bottom which can fit my diaper bag, purse, camera bag and at one point my dog even managed to fit in there ( I won’t go into detail about that though lol). Even with all this extra baggage, pushing the stroller didn’t feel any heavier. It also comes with a wind shield protection cover ( which we used at the market and then added a foot muff and additional cover= #NEWPARENTS), coffee holder and a cover bag. There are also levers on the side that allow you to remove the bassinet seat and add your car seat seamlessly. I was SO nervous going to our first doctor’s appointment and trying to get the car seat on and it honestly took two seconds and I didn’t break a sweat!
4. It can transition to many different settings
The clips and levers allow you to transition the seat as our baby grows. We can reverse the bassinet so she is looking out, we can do a recline or sit up the toddler seat in seconds when we need to and the best part is there is no add on’s needed when we wish to do it!
5. It’s good looking
Not going to lie, as much as safety and good functioning was at the top of the list when looking for a stroller- I also wanted one that looked stylish! The Quantum Classic stroller actually makes me feel like a “Cool Mom” when I’m using it. We even had a couple at the restaurant come up to us and ask what brand of stroller we had!
If you have a little babe, I highly suggest looking into this stroller and also checking out the Christmas Market!!
We did our usual favourites there- had mulled wine, ate poutine, sausage and chimney’s ( Basically like a cylinder shaped donut filled with cream cheese icing inside!)
We listend to the people singing Christmas songs and checked out the stalls and photo installations and we felt like we were transported to a special magical village for the night!

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