Today Chloe is officially 8 months old! I CANNOT HANDLE IT! I now understand why people continously say “It goes by so fast” because it really does. Not only is she crawling, sitting, and babbling tons but she is now also eating. And eating lots may I add!
7AM: Wake and Breastfeed
9AM: Breastfeed and down for Nap
11AM: Wake up from Nap
12PM: Lunch time!
1PM: Breastfeed and down for Nap
3PM: Wake from Nap and Breastfeed
5PM: Dinner time
6:30PM: Breastfeed and get ready for bed
Our journey didn’t start smooth though with eating! I introduced solids just before 6 months and started by giving her some oatmeal. Girlfriend HATED it! She would literally act like I was shoving dirt down her mouth. She would whine and fuss and I was a bit perplexed as to how MY child could feel this way towards food if she was in fact my daughter. I was eating pasta at 4 months old and plan my life around my meals! I need to have a child who loves food the way I do!
I took it to my mom board and so many great suggestions came flooding in. Many of the comments suggested I try Baby Led Weaning as it could be a texture thing. I was a bit apprehensive of it as I thought it seemed a bit absurd to give babies such “adult like” things but after a bit more research I thought I would give it a go!
I started with placing her in her beautiful highchair once a day and letting her play around with her toys in it. We went with the Oribel Cocoon Highchair! It’s…..amazing. It is suitable for babies aged 6 months to 3 years so it grows with your babe. It can also recline to 3 different positions so for example, if your baby wants to have a bottle in it you can have it leaned back and let them be in a more relaxed position. This was super helpful as it created an association for Chloe that eating was happening in this thing!

Most importantly, it can withstand our dog Finn’s constant jumping all while keeping Chloe safely secure.
Once we had the highchair all sorted, we moved onto getting her meals perfected! I found this company based out of Toronto called Shop Fragola and decided to give them a try. They ship anywhere in Canada so the fact that I could get it delivered to my front door in Ancaster without leaving my house was a huge deciding factor for me. They have such a good variety of items too and you can select whether you want the food Pureed, Chunky or Chunkiest. Since we were doing Baby Led Weaning with some softer foods, this was amazing! You also can freeze the meals for up to 3 months! Lazy moms like me be rejoicing, ya’ll!!!
I normally add in some of Shop Fragola’s meals with some stuff I have made for dinner from the night before. So for example if we had broccoli the night before, I put some aside for Chloe to have for the next two nights or so in addition to the Shop Fragola mix and then another item we have in the fridge.

On top of the highchair and food, I have created some KEY products that also help with eating!
1. I love our Bumkin dish as it seperates the foods into 3 compartments and literally does not MOVE one inch on her highchair. The suction is strong!! We also love her Noon Spoon which has helped tremendously with her hand coordination!
2. Another Bumkin product! This one is super essential if you are doing BLW! I thought we had a great bib but Chloe was still getting tons of stuff on her arms and even all the way to her back! This bib shirt is a life saver!
3. This Boon spoon is unreal for shoving anything and everything into! We normally put greek yogurt into it or sweet potato puree and it has helped tremendously with her hand/mouth coordination!
4. Munchkin 360 Training Cups! My niece used these when she was a baby and she now is a pro at drinking and begins every meal with a “Cheers”. I so want Chloe on that level and these cups are helping
5. Travel High Chair! Moutain Buggy Pod High Chair is our favourite travel highchair which comes with us on all our trips and also when we go to my moms or in laws. It makes eating and feeding a lot easier when Chloe is included!

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