It should come as no shocker that I am a big fan of twinning! When I found out I was having a girl, I immediately went and bought a few sets of matching outfits! Truth be told though, I would be matching with a boy if I had one too. Not only do I think it’s really cute but down the line, you will have these beautiful photos ( or hilarious depending on your take) memories of you and your family. It’s a good excuse to snap some photos and have some fun.
I always get asked where I get our matching outfits from so I wanted to share some of my favourite sites with you all

This is the place where you can find the largest inventory of matching outfits. Not only do they have Mom and baby stuff but they have whole family sets!! You can find bathing suits, winter gear and my favourite- Christmas PJ’S! The quality is decent considering how price friendly the items are! Use code MARISA for 12% off your next order 😉

You won’t find Mom and Baby sets together here but if you head to the baby section and like a pattern, you can sometimes find the exact pattern in the Women’s or Men’s section. Not only is there stuff affordable but it really does last long

This Australian brand is top notch. The quality is probably the best out of all of the matching sets and the patterns are also very stylish and on trend. The styles and sets are designs for all shapes and sizes too which is really awesome. They have recently just started to introduce Men’s stuff so keep your eye peeled for that too!

What can’t you buy on Amazon these days?? Not only can you use PRIME to get all of your outfits to your doorstep faster but you can also find outfits that you can wear again individually! Pastel Pink shirts? Check! Plain white basic tees? Double Check! The prices are also amazing!

Looking to match with your mini during some stretching? Check out Jill Yoga! Not only do they have sizing for teeny tiny ones but they have sizing for toddlers, girls and a serious good variety of gear for women! I love that they are based out of Toronto too. Always love me some local companies.
You can also find adult and kid size items that will match at:
Converse ( for kicks), Mini Mioche ( Canadian brand!!), Happy Hanna (great PJS), H&M, Gap, Jean and June, & Beautiful Blessing Boutique
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