

Last updated on February 4, 2020
Self Care Tips for Moms

Being a mom has been so rewarding and amazing but it is also TOUGH WORK! I love the quote that states ” You must fill up your own cup before you can fill up anyone else’s” . I really started to understand this phrase more and more over the last year and it is SO TRUE. Self care is so important regardless of what stage you are in your life but it is especially vital when you are caring for someone else. If you aren’t feeling great, it is hard to make someone else feel great too. While it is sometimes a juggling act to do all of these things or find the time to do it, I have really tried to prioritize these items throughout the year ( or in the case of the gym or meditation-on the daily). Before are 5 things that I did for ME this year that made me feel great mentally and physically!

#1. Gym Membership

Self Care Tips for Moms

Going to the gym was always something I enjoyed but since I became a mom, I have enjoyed it even more. I joined John Savidis Lean and Fit before my wedding and I haven’t looked back since. All classes are 30 minutes and as a mom ain’t nobody got time for a long workout! It is an intense class packed into a half hour and I always leave sweating. Owners John and Mia have a strong background in the fitness world and not only does the gym have an awesome variety of classes ( think hot kickboxing, strength training classes and my fav-weight training) but they offer nutritional guidance/seminars for all members too!


#2. Forma Treatments

Self Care for Moms

I kept saying that once I was done breastfeeding that I would try out Botox. Once I was done though, I just felt a bit nervous to fully dive into needles and procedures that seemed so invasive. That’s when I discovered Forma! Forma is a non-invasive laser treatment that requires no downtime whatsoever. The results are: even skin tone, defined jaw lines, wrinkle reduction and overall natural collagen production. I started to visit Skinatomy Laser Clinic in Mississauga ( they also have a location in Toronto as well) and absolutely loved it. If you are looking to do Forma, they recommend around 8 sessions and then 1 maintenance session once a year after that. Each session is 30 minutes and they use a warm laser wand ( the device is from In Mode). It was a great introduction to the laser and injection world and I am so excited to take another step into my beauty/anti-aging journey with Skinatomy!

#3. Daily Meditation

Self Care tips for moms

I try to wake up about 15 minutes before Chloe! Doing so has helped me start my day in a calm and less chaotic way. I wake up, make myself a lemon water and then try to do a 5 minute mediation in my room. It’s not much but it really energizes me for the day and sets a nice tone for the morning. I use the Calm App and it’s A: free and B: super user friendly. Best part is that you can use it anywhere to help guide you

#4. Microblading

Self Care Tips for Moms

Raise your hand if your eyebrows have been personally victimized by your teenage self!! Mine sure has hell have. Even though I am now 35, I still felt like my eyebrows were mangled. I know some girls who have had microblading done and the results have been incredible. It completely brings out your features and creates a better look on your face overall. I stumbled upon Ursula and sure enough- I saw that a lot of girls I know were already following her. I reached out to a few of them and they couldnt recommend her enough. After seeing her, I completely understood why. The girl just GETS it when it comes to brows. I told her I wanted something subtle and not over the top and within the first 10 minutes she created the brows of my dreams.


The entire procedure takes about 1.5 hours. I won’t lie it hurts a little at first but as soon as the numbing cream kicks in, you can barely feel a thing. The

#5. Good Skincare Products

Self Care for New Moms

One of the best decisions I made in my mid 30’s was investing in a good skincare line. Vivier is HANDS DOWN the best products I have used. Not only do I love the way they feel on my skin but I have actually seen results with them. Like my fine lines have faded ( specifically on my forehead). My favourite out of all the products is probably the Retinol cream followed by the serum ( not pictured here because I finished it last week haha). Vivier can be found online and also had some super reputable dermatology and skin clinics which shows how good it is!

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1 Comment

  • Reply TRAVEL WORKOUTS WITH THE LADIES EDGE • The Daydream Diaries March 3, 2020 at 9:06 pm

    […] is definitely doable (You can also see some other self-care things I have done since becoming a mom HERE). Also, travel work outs are meant to be […]

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