Destinations India

INDIA: Goin’, GOA, Gone.

Last updated on October 17th, 2015





I’m sitting at a table right now watching the sunset and writing this…reflecting on the last 5 days here in the paradise that is Goa, India.

We arrived in Goa after a very action packed week in the North of India. It was a short hour flight to the South and upon arrival, we immediately shifted gears into well deserved relaxation mode. There is a world of a difference between the North and South and if Goa had a factory setting…it would be on “slow-mo”. Our agenda included yoga, wearing flowers in our hair, eating fresh fish, boat rides to secluded beaches, tropical drinks, reading, writing and just positive vibe’ing all day long. To understand how lax this place is, you should know that our wifi password is “GETALIFE”.

The beach is lined with colourful, little beach huts that are tucked between lush green palm trees, loads of fishing boats and many, many cows (what a life!).  After a day here, I began pondering if living like a hippie in a shack on an exotic beach was something I should seriously consider (Chill mom- I’m only half kidding).

Our little beach property had an outdoor library, hammocks ( my fav!), morrocon style lights and a little central restaurant/ lounge area made of hand carved wood. Our hut in particular had a gold hand painted sign above the entrance that said “Shalom” and just like the name suggests…it was very friendly to us and inviting. It was constructed with brown straw, wicker and nets made of rope. Simple living at it’s finest!


We spent New Years Eve sipping on ice cold drinks and dancing in the sand while watching a fireworks show light up the sky. It didn’t feel like real life but I guess it wasn’t!

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I woke up on New Years day and for the first time EVER did not feel depressed or let down. I HATE New Years Eve for all the expectations that revolve around the night that are never met. It was a lovely way to wake up and I enjoyed reflecting on my year with gratitude…..and of course a view of the ocean.





2013 was one of my favourite years by far. Between living in LA for half the year, travelling to a few places on my bucket list (taking advantage of being between jobs), getting close with new people and re-connecting with old ones, life was pretty sweet to me. Of course there was a good handful of shitty moments (such is life) but I hope to grow and learn from them. I mentally envisioned me packing up these annoying things in a suitcase and shipping them to the Bermuda Triangle….credit card bill included. BYE! 

I hope 2014 is just as great though overall….if not better. The first day of the new year was spent being lazy (as it normally is) but it was also filled with magic. We spotted a family of dolphins having a grand ol’ time leaping through the sparkling waves (the water here really sparkles- no lie!). This was followed by going to an empty beach where we rolled around in the sand singing and dancing to Beyonce (unfortunately this is also no lie- yes we are losers).  If this was an indication of how the new year would go…I think the year is going to go well


We decided to take a break from the sun one of the days and adventure into the city. We had wanted to see these amazing waterfalls that were about an hour and a half away from where we were but when we got there, our driver came up to us and was like “they decided to close for day”. Typical India. We re-routed to a Spice Market where we did a tour of the plantation farm and had some lunch. This ended up being so enjoyable and I picked up local herbs, spices, natural remedies and sipped on delicious tea.

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Another highlight from the week was releasing colourful chinese lanterns into the pink and blue sky at sunset. It’s very popular thing to do here and before you let it go you are supposed to wish for something that you want in life. We jumped on this chance and wished for everlasting love and happiness. The first two times that we tried to do this, our silk lanterns burned into flames, turned black and .crashed hard into the sand. SERIOUSLY!!??!? We died of laughter. The third time was a charm though (which is a common theme in my life btw) and seeing these things soar into the sky made me have butterflies. I loved it.


I am here for one more day before taking off to London, England for a few days! I am soaking up the sun hardcore as rumour has it that it is -20 back home in Canada. I feel a wave of depression pain through me just typing that.

I can’t even begin to explain the love I have for this country. More photos and re-cap coming later <3






Leopard bathing suit hanging on hammock: Gypsy05, Blue beach dress and orange bather: O’Neill</em>

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