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Travel Tips


    February 2, 2018

       Before I say anything, Ill tell you one thing: ……….and that is that one week in Morocco is not enough time! Not only is Morocco filled with colours, smells, sights and people but…

  • A day in Hong Kong

    October 5, 2017

    Whenever someone asks me to describe Hong Kong- I say it is a mix of every cool big city wrapped into one amazing place. If you think New York is busy and cool, take…

  • A Day in Scottsdale

    June 3, 2017

    Scottsdale is no longer just a place with cauctus, horseback riding and golf. Although it still offers all of that, Scottsdale is now one of the hippest and happening places in the US at…

  • A Day in Malibu

    December 13, 2016

    There is definitely a reason why celebrities flock to the peaceful and quaint seaside city of Malibu. It offers you the perfect balance of beach, mountains, good eats, relaxation and adventure. It is the…

  • A Day in Oahu

    March 22, 2016

    A DAY IN OAHU WITH AIRMILES, NATIONAL CAR RENTAL & HILTON HOTEL & RESORTS Aloha!  I just returned from my trip to Hawaii and couldn’t wait to share my insiders take on what to do if…

  • A day in Hamilton, Ontario

    October 18, 2015

    Toronto is almost always referred to as a “mini version of New York” and soon in the years to come- you can bet your bottom dollar that Hamilton will be referred to as a…